Aboriginal Art Centre Tours – Western Deserts Tour – From Alice Springs to Uluru then meet artists and explore country in Amata, Warburton, Warakurna, Giles, Tjukurla, Docker River, Kintore, Papunya to Uluru – limited places
Connect, create and be inspired with Maruku Art,s Anangu led Dot Painting Experience. Learn about Anangu culture, symbolism, & traditional way of life, then take your learnings and create your self guided artwork.
Be personally guided by International First Nations artist Birrunga Wiradyuri and hear the cultural stories and history behind the artworks at Birrunga Gallery the only Indigenous owned and operated cultural hub in Brisbane CBD.
Be personally guided by First Nations artist Kane Brunjes and hear the cultural stories and history behind the artworks at Birrunga Gallery the only Indigenous owned and operated cultural hub in Brisbane CBD.